Summer Travels

By: fitfactor July 26, 2022 2:04 am

Summer Travels

Hello, my friends,

It is that time of the year; summer in Fort Lauderdale returns to pre-pandemic times. We certainly see a change in the number of people in town. Less traffic, restaurants are not crowded, and the “hot, humid, with chances of hurricane” weather.

​So, with travel restrictions banned and the pandemic somewhat under control (?), what does one do?

​They get the heck outta here!

Now, not only are our ” snowbirds ” back to their regular eight months in/six months out of town schedule, but people around the U.S. are returning to traveling after two years of curtailing trips because of the pandemic.

Domestic travel is more popular than international, and many are more excited about road trips than flying—myself, for one.

Fourth of July’s weekend reached a number higher than in 2019, before the pandemic. According to AAA Association, more than 48 million people nationwide traveled for the holiday, with about 90% traveling by car.

​There is so much to do. So much to see. Golfing, Broadway shows, the mountains, and…

Your Traveling Budget Might Be Bigger This Year

Before 2020, statistics showed that Baby Boomers typically made about five pleasure trips a year and spent more money on leisure travel than any other age group.

In 2021, more than half (51%) of older travelers say they took fewer trips than anticipated, according to AARP. The organization also reported that two-thirds of Americans over 50 plan to travel this year. In addition, 77% feel vacations are safe compared to 40% last year, and domestic and foreign trips are approaching pre-pandemic levels.

The good news is many of us have more money in our travel budgets since we have not traveled as much these last few years.​ But we must stay fit and ready for every travel opportunity.

Let’s review a few points to ensure you enjoy traveling this year.

​1. Make healthy living a priority. Depending on your plans, incorporate exercise into your travel. For example, if your trip is to hike the Appalachian Trail, you do not need to find a gym. But if you are traveling to watch ballgames or musicals, use your hotel gym or find a health club nearby.

Squats, push-ups, and jumping jacks are simple and effective exercises you can do in your hotel room, hostel, or nearby park. Or better: Go for a long exploring walk!

Traveling requires stamina, strength, and flexibility. Think about walking through airports and stowing luggage, just for starters.

​We are here to help, regardless of your current fitness levels or travel plans.

2. See your doctor. Get a checkup. Make sure you are healthy and your prescriptions and vaccinations are current.

3. Consider renting a home via Airbnb, Vrbo, or a similar service if hotels still feel uncomfortable with you.

4. Rental cars are scarce, so plan ahead. You might need to explore, which has emerged as an Airbnb for driving.

5. While you are away, drink plenty of water, eat well and get enough rest.​Remember the “Never 2” rule: Skipping one day of exercise is okay, but never two in a row. Likewise, eating one bad meal is okay, but never two in a row. Make the next a healthy one.

6. Forget all of the above; let go and enjoy yourself! After all, that is why we do it.

What are your travel plans?

​We are here to help you get stronger (particularly in your legs), more flexible, and ready to have fun.

You will need all of that no matter where you are going!

See you soon.