Hello my friends,
We live in a world where being successful means everything. We must work hard, we must make lots of money, we must buy a big house and have the nicest car. All that, and oftentimes we forget many other aspects of our lives.
And throughout our lives, we probably have had periods where we felt like everything was in balance. We were healthy. Our relationships were strong. Our career was going well…
We also have had those moments when we felt unbalanced – like something was not right, and it was dragging us down in other aspects of life.
It is true throughout life that if we have our health, we have our greatest wealth. And, more than ever as we age, exercise and fitness play an even greater role in our lives, and our overall wellness or wellbeing – how we feel across the board.
As we approach the holidays, and as the world continues to struggle with the stress of the pandemic, let’s review wellness/wellbeing (balance in our lives), and how to protect it.
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) writes “People often think about wellness in terms of physical health — nutrition, exercise, weight management, etc., but it is so much more. Wellness is a holistic integration of physical, mental, and spiritual well-being, fueling the body, engaging the mind, and nurturing the spirit.”
The University of California says: “Wellness is an active process of becoming aware of, and making choices toward a healthy and fulfilling life. Wellness is more than being free from illness, it is a dynamic process of change and growth.”
Most experts list six to eight categories of wellbeing. Here is the breakdown provided by the International Council on Active Aging:
1. Move More / Sit Less. Everything you do adds up. So put on some fun music and dance… stand up and walk around during TV commercials… work in your garden, like I did yesterday… Man, it’s a workout!
2. Stay engaged. Volunteer in person, online, or over the phone. Call local charitable organizations, community centers, and your religious leaders.
3. Express yourself. Write in a journal, paint, play music, or sing. Talk about your feelings with family, friends, a therapist, or a spiritual leader.
4. Limit the time you watch the news or look at social media. It is responsible to stay informed, but once or twice a day should do it.
5. Meditate or pray each day. Schedule the time and treat it as an important appointment.
6. Read books. Talk about them in an online book club or with family and friends.
7. Research for your next trip, or plan something to look forward to.
8. Try to be thankful, tolerant, and patient with yourself and others.
Making positive changes and reinforcing good habits are super-important. Things like scheduling, accountability, convenience, reliability, and HAVING FUN will help.
Being part of a gym or fitness community like Fit Factor is an invaluable way to build the balance you need.
We are here for you now and in the future.